Our enthusiastic team are eager to make your experience with QuizArea as enjoyable as possible. Here are the people involved………
Peter Davey - Customer Support
The first man in the firing line for customer enquiries. Pete is knowledgeable in all aspects of the website workings and quiz construction. He and his helpers are always available during business hours to answer queries and give advice. Customers are invited to contact Pete by e-mail (
peter@quizarea.com) or by telephone on 01406 371684 – from outside of the UK +44 1406 371684
Lisa and Colin King - Administration and Finance
Lisa and Colin are the owners of the business that they have nurtured from the grain of an idea in 2004 to its current position. They have day-to-day responsibility for finance and administration.
Lisa and Colin can be contacted by e-mail at
colin@quizarea.com. Both can be contacted by telephone on 01406 371684 – from outside of the UK +44 1406 371684

If you are a charity or other organization seeking publicity then why not let QuizArea host quizzes for you free of charge? This gives both your customers and ours the opportunity to learn about your organization in a fun way. For further details please contact Lisa or Colin using the contact details above.
Mike Stokes - Customer Satisfaction and Company Strategy
Mike has enjoyed a successful career in export management and is a lifelong quiz enthusiast. His extensive experience of the business world and fanatical desire to provide customer satisfaction have been influential in the development of the company strategy. His in-depth knowledge about geography, history and sport make him the first choice for quiz writing in these categories.
Andy Lawson - News and Topical Quizzes
Andy is just the most enthusiastic individual you could ever meet! His job is to constantly review the news and write questions for our daily news quizzes that are both interesting and informative. Even on the dullest news days, he can be relied upon to find intriguing items to entertain, educate and amuse us.
Richard Giles - Website Development
The project manager of our ongoing technical development. Richard has been responsible for the initiation and expansion of a number of nationally acclaimed websites. Quizarea is evidence of his innovative approach and attention to detail.
Steve Page - Principle Programmer
How do you ensure that unique quiz formats work correctly with thousands of different quizzes on millions of computers all around the World? The answer is that you ask Steve to make it so. As well as indispensable technical expertise, Steve also has the gift of communicating the benefits of dazzling new technology to the rest of us!
Ande Peden - Creative Designer
Ande is responsible for making the website both user-friendly and appealing. It is Ande’s task to make sure that all the new concepts are conveyed in a crisp and understandable way.